The first step is to download our software to your Windows computer. This software is free. This software is required and used for file transfer and ECU writing.
Thank you for choosing Carita Motorsports! Next we will explain how to use our handheld! This is a very easy process. The steps of the process are described below.
The first step is to download our software to your Windows computer. This software is free and required for file transfer and ECU writing.
It is important to update your device to ensure that the latest version is used.
Connect your Handheld to your computer using the provided USB cable. Open the software and on the landing page you will see 4 tabs. Click "Update". Update only MyGenius device.
If you cannot click the checkbox to update the MyGenius device, it is because your antivirus has removed the drivers, so your handheld cannot communicate with your computer.
You need to disable the antivirus/firewall and then update the downloaded software. After completion, you should be able to select the checkbox to update only the MyGenius device.
If you get an error message during the update or the program crashes, try again. If the problem continues, contact assistance through our email.
This process is usually very quick, although some bikes can take 25+ minutes, depending on what bike it is. In this process, you are only taking information from the motorcycle. This means your bike is still rideable after this step.
NOTE: If your bike is updated after the software read, our tuning file will not work with your motorcycle. Once the bike goes for service, you will need to re-read it like the first time.
Connect your bike to a battery charger to ensure proper voltage during the read process.
Locate the OBD (diagnostic) port of your motorcycle, usually under the passenger seat. In some cases, it is plugged into a cover. Consult your owner’s manual if you are unable to find the OBD port.
Once the OBD port is located, plug your handheld tool in. If there is a red power lead coming off the cable we provided, connect that to the positive battery terminal.
In your handheld tool, click “Work”, then select your motorcycle brand and model. If you select the incorrect motorcycle, your handheld will error and you’ll have to go back and select the correct motorcycle. NO DAMAGE WILL OCCUR TO YOUR BIKE BY SELECTING THE WRONG MOTORCYCLE.
If your handheld asks about READING CODIFICATION on a BMW, go to “Work”, then select the “Tools” menu, and then select READ CODIFICATION. Once this process is done, you can go back to reading the motorcycle ECU. This is a BMW-only process on new bikes to read additional data.
Follow the on/off key prompts and click OK on the handheld as requested until it says completed. During this process, it’s important to let the fuel pump of the bike prime before selecting “OK”. Allowing delays between key on and key off ensures proper voltage to the bike.
After the key on and off prompts, the handheld will complete and take you back to the main menu. If your main menu doesn’t say “Work” at the top, it means it either says “ID” or “READ”. This will also need to be completed. BMWs will usually bring you to an IDENTIFICATION page. Select ID/IDENTIFY and let that process complete; it should say completed at the end. After completion, your handheld will return to the main menu with “Work” being the top selection. You can now disconnect your handheld.
Now that you have read/ID your ECU, you need to pull that data from your handheld device and put it on your computer so you can send it to our staff. With our software open on your computer, plug the handheld into the USB port. Click “Download from my genius” and save the file to your desktop so it is easily found.
If you cannot click “Download from My Genius”, go back to the bike and Identify or read it. Once complete, you can plug the handheld back into the computer, and it should be clickable.
Now that you have saved the stock file on your computer, you must send us that file to our email: The waiting time for our tuned files is 1-2 business days, Monday through Friday.
Once we have reviewed your stock file, our tuner will work on the modified file to send back. Once the file(s) are complete, you will receive them via email. Simply download the file(s) and save them to your desktop to be loaded to the handheld.
To load the tune file into the handheld, open the MyGenius software and click “upload to my genius”. Locate the file you just downloaded and saved to your computer, select it, and follow the prompts. The file extension on the tuned file(s) should be .MYG. If you were sent multiple files, you will need to repeat this step for each file. You cannot load multiple files into the handheld at the same time.
Once you have loaded the tuned file(s) to the handheld, you are now ready to bring the handheld to your motorcycle.
Connect a charger or battery maintainer to your motorcycle.
Locate the OBD port again and plug the handheld into it. Make sure the device powers up and connections are solid.
On the Handheld, click “Work” – “Writing” - and then using the right/left arrows, select the mod file you wish to use. Select the mod file you desire. Follow the prompts on the screen. It’ll cycle you through key on/off procedures, and random messages and errors may appear on the dash; this is completely normal. Once the process is complete, select OK on the handheld. This will take you back to the main menu. You are now finished and free to unplug the handheld from the motorcycle.
NOTE: While the handheld is writing the .Mod file to the motorcycle, do not twist the throttle or try to start the engine.
You can now start your tuned motorcycle. Let the bike idle and get to temperature, then take it out for a cruise and enjoy! Adaptation of the throttle, shifter, and fueling can take some mileage to see peak benefit. Always use the best fuel possible at your location.
Please note: If there are any errors during the writing process, please make note of when it happened during the process (beginning, middle, end), and take pictures of any error messages during that time to be sent to our support staff.
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